White Chocolate Holiday Cookie


White Chocolate Holiday Cookie

$1.95 Processing Fee

25mg THC | 5mg CBD

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White Chocolate Holiday Cookie

This is the perfect holiday edible that anyone can afford! Each cookie contains white chocolate chips and is also adorned with holiday-themed vanilla creme-flavoured chips. At 25mg of THC, you'd be hard-pressed to find a cheaper way to medicate. As with all P.S. I'm Baked products, the taste is of utmost importance. These cookies are so good, it's hard to stop at just one.

P.S. I’m Baked brownies are designed to have maximum effect with a minimal cannabis flavour. Buttery, sweet, moist and delicious—these brownies don’t just taste great, they look great, smell great, and most importantly, they work great! Handmade in Vancouver, BC, these brownies contain no artificial colours, sweeteners, or flavours. P.S. I’m Baked’s brownies were created by a cannabis-loving duo who—just like you—wanted a better quality of brownie. The fruits of their efforts have not only offered people great highs, but amazing flavours to boot.

*As summers are hot, we recommend to keep these treats in a cool space until consumption to prevent from melting.


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