South American Magic Mushrooms

South American Magic Mushrooms

(1 customer review)
Best consumed with an open mind and preparedness to smile and laugh.

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South American Magic Mushrooms

Archaeological evidence suggests widespread use of psychedelic cacti, flowers and mushrooms from indigenous communities throughout Latin America. Findings suggest Mesoamerican empires entheogen ceremonies were common practice and were a cornerstone of spiritual life for millions of people for thousands of years. Even today, local shamans in Guanajuato or in Ecuador use South American magic mushrooms to treat addiction, depression and poor behaviour.

If consuming for the first time please consult a medical professional such as a doctor or psychiatrist beforehand as this is a powerful medicine that can have negative side effects. Some things cannot be unseen.

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It is debated if Psilocybe yungensis is a species of the psychedelic mushroom kingdom of Strophariacea or Gymnopilus. We have determined that given the shape and size, they are likely from the Gymnopilus family, which is found throughout eastern Mexico, but have been found south of the Tropic of Capricorn. There are 200 documented varieties of Gymnopilus mushrooms and found mostly in the cloud forests and jungles along the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn in Latin America. From a cultivar perspective, these are quite hearty and high yield. In the wild they are easy to spot, growing in clumps from fallen wood. 

Best Use

Awakenings are a gift. They can be life-affirming and life-changing. Best used with care in a comfortable setting with loved ones. Abuse of this powerful medicine can have lasting and unforeseen effects. Best consumed with an open mind and preparedness to smile and laugh.


0.5-1.5 grams - moderate to low strength

1.5-4 grams - medium to full trip

Length of trip

If taking a full dose effects should be felt within 20-45 mins. Sometimes a touch of herb can help to kick the Cubensis into gear. When taking a full dose of South American magic mushrooms best to set aside 3-6 hours for the main trip with a lightness to follow. For the sensitive creatures, a lightness in their step may last a couple of days.


*Try South American magic mushrooms and order online today.*

1 review for South American Magic Mushrooms

  1. samcrawf92

    Strong waves from these ones.

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