Gaia Wellness | Indica RSO Oil | 1ml

Gaia Wellness | Indica RSO Oil | 1ml


(1 customer review)
Premium Indica RSO Oil | 1ml
Organic, Lab-tested, Non-GMO, Natural and Gluten-Free
Made with love in Vancouver, Canada

Buy RSO in Canada | Gaia Wellness | Indica RSO Oil | 1ml

Buy RSO in Canada - Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), also known as Phoenix Tears, is a highly effective full-spectrum extract. The extraction process is such that all of the medically beneficial cannabinoids are extracted from the cannabis plant, resulting in a potent and effective medicine for oral consumption. RSO is a very efficacious medicine due to the entourage effect of the cannabinoids present. When consumed orally, RSO is often much more effective per milligram ingested than more refined extracts such as distillate or honey oil.

Best Uses 

Indica RSO is extremely beneficial to those suffering from severe life-threatening illnesses, mental health struggles, chronic pain and a host of other ailments. RSO leaves you blissful and relaxed as an overwhelming sense of calm and relief washes over you. Perfect for those seeking relief from stress, anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia, seizures and headaches. Reliable scientific research has proven Indica products are extremely beneficial for certain ailments and conditions. Indica cannabis has an international reputation for its ability to sedate, relax, induce appetite and decrease stress. This Indica RSO Oil is a perfect end to a long, stressful or painful day.


As always with oral consumption, we suggest users start low and take it slow, a common starting point is a dose half the size of a rice grain. Alternatively, mix the RSO with a carrier oil for easier dosing. As this product is extremely concentrated and viscous it is recommended that the syringe be heated up for easier dispensing. We suggest ingesting your RSO with food and allowing two hours for the full effects. Please always keep RSO and other cannabis products away and out of reach of animals and children, do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consumption and please do not consume if pregnant.


RSO for Cancer Treatment (and other chronic/serious illnesses)

RSO is an oil made from the flowers of the cannabis (marijuana) plant. It has received widespread attention worldwide due to the growing number of people who claim it treats cancer. There's no concrete evidence for it YET, but early research suggests that some chemicals in marijuana have future potential as a cancer treatment. Unlike many other cannabis oils, Rick Simpson Oil is high in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana. THC is the chemical in marijuana that provides the "high."


Buy Indica RSO Oil | 1ml by Gaia Wellness online at the Stash Club's Online Dispensary.

1 review for Gaia Wellness | Indica RSO Oil | 1ml

  1. Seav

    I’ve been searching for this! Amazing!!

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